Page 5: Pitch And Loudness

image taken from source #6,

Pitch allows us to compare one sound with another sound. Pitch is determined by the sound's frequency. Frequency is the number of vibrations per second. Pitches for musical notes have been standardized so that all the instruments use the same pitch. Our present standard of pitch is a' = 440 vibrations (cycles) per second.

image taken from source #1, page 46

Pitch acuity is when we are able to distinguish differences in pitch. Pitch acuity can sometimes be confused with loudness. Changes in loudness are sometimes percieved as changes in pitch.

image taken from source #1, page 49

Loudness is the way that we measure the intensity of sound. We percieve loudness from the amplitude of the sound wave. Loudness is measured in a unit called the phon. The intensity is measured in a unit called the decibel. Phons and decibels are only the same at a pitch of 1000Hz. At any other pitch, the phons and decibels have to be measured.


Other Pages:

Page 1: Main Page

Page 2: Wave Motion

Page 3: Sound Waves

Page 4: The Ear

Page 6:Musical Scales

Page 7:The Way We Perceive Sounds

Page 8: Bibliography