How Black Holes are Formed


ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ Black holes, just like every thing else in the universe, owe their existence to the current theory of the Big Bang.Ý This theory basically proposes that 15 billion years ago the Universe as we know it was produced from an explosion.Ý At the moment before the explosion, all of the matter in the universe was concentrated into one small point that was infinitely dense.Ý After the explosion, matter was sent out from the point in all directions creating three-dimensional space and incorporating time with it.Ý

ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ After a while, some of the stars would have used up their fuel and due to the force of gravity would start to fuse elements together.Ý However a core of iron can only be compressed so much, so an explosion termed a supernova would occur.Ý The force of gravity is still acting on the material and causes it to compress even further until it becomes a black hole.


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On to Makeup of a Black hole