Here's the 411

In snowboard as in any other sport the athlete has to be thinking at all times, analyzing the situation that surrounds you, make split decisions, and even perform quick calculations in your head.

Where this happends most in snowboarding is when the snowboarder is going to performs some type of aerial trick off of a jump. There are a lot of things that a snowboarder has to be aware of and be thinking about before he hits the jump. How far do I need to go to make the landing? How fast do I need to be going when I hit the jump? If I am going to spin, how fast should I so that I can make it around in time? The list goes on and on.

Some other factors that can come into play are: snow conditions, the type of snowboard, and experience of the rider. Which are much more advanced topics, and way beyond the scope of what we're worring about here. What I am mainly going to be looking at are the basic characteristics of your average snowboard jump.

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