Solar Winds:

            A solar wind is composed of ions of hydrogen, helium and it has other heavy elements. The heavy elements are Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen. But don’t be fooled, just because their heavy elements doesn’t mean that they are slow they actually move at a speed of a million kilometers per hour!

            Once the ions have a large enough amount of positive charge and collides with a comet, the electrons are pulled away from the neutral comet. This is called a charge exchange collision. The electrons that are captured in high-energy states of solar wind ions emit x-rays only when it shifts into lower energy states. If the x-rays is detected by the x-ray spectrometer it provides a signal that tells us that the change is happening.

 picture by NASA/SOHO

this picture is of a solar wind that is 11 million light years away. These stars are forming and dieing at an incrediavle rate.

A rate 10x's higher then our very own galaxy scientists believe that this M82 (that is what the star is called)

encounted or came to close to M81 in last 100 million years. In this picture the star cluster vary from 1 million

years to about 100 million years. The white lines mean superr wind, purple lines mean bowshook.

There is so much more to learn about solar wind but now you know the connection between solar wind and sunbursts, and that's what important.