Support Beam


Trans-Alaska Pipeline at the Denali Fault on extended support beams (to allow for movement)

•  Earthquake magnitude pipeline was designed to withstand

8.5 Richter Scale (maximum). Range from 5.5 to 8.5, depending on area.


•  Three Faults crossed by pipeline

---  Denali
        McGinnis Glacier
        Donnelly Dome


•  The predicted limit of lateral movement(side-to-side) for above ground pipeline, general

2 ft.


•  Maximum values for pipeline movement at major faults  

  • Denali fault — 20 ft. lateral and 5 ft. vertical displacement
  • McGinnis Glacier fault — 8 ft. lateral and 6 ft. vertical displacement
  • Donnelly Dome fault — 3 ft. lateral and 10 ft. vertical displacement
  • Minor potential fault locations — 2 ft. lateral and 2 ft. vertical


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