Resting Membrane Potential
Neurons communicate with one another using two types of electrical signals: graded potential are used for short distance communication only and an action potential allows communication  over long distance within the body.  A neurons plasma membrane exhibits a membrane potential, an electrical potential difference or voltage across the membrane termed the resting membrane potential. When a neuron is not transmitting an action potential, the resting membrane potential can be stated as Vinside - Voutside which is typically between -40 mv  to -90 mv. A typical value is -70 mv.  The membrane potential is like voltage stored in a battery. For example, Zoe's car wont start because her battery is dead and you offer to pass her current, you connect the cables to the proper terminals and without really thinking about it, you will have a flow of electrons and all of the sudden Zoe's car starts. In a neuron this flow of electric current is composed of ions such as potassium, sodium and chloride ions that open and close in response to specific stimuli. Neurons have a  positive charge outside of the cell or extracellular fluid and a negative charge inside of the cell. The negative charge inside of the cell is due to the fact that the cells plasma membrane has more K^+^ ion leakage channels than Na^+^ leakage channels and therefore potassium can leak out of the cell easily. As more  K^+^ ions leave the cell, the inside of the cell becomes increasingly negative and the outside of the cell becomes increasingly positive. Some of the anions present inside the cell cannot leave the cell once the K^+^ ion leakage channels are open because these anions are attached to nondiffusible molecules such as ADP and large proteins . These trapped anions also contribute to the resting membrane potential.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                                    Fig 2. Illustrates the types of  ions that diffuse across the plasma membrane of a neuron
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that contributes to the resting membrane potential. Image retrieved from           
Fig 1. Illustrates the difference in potential across the plasma
 membrane of a neuron and the different ions that cross.
 Image retrieved from


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