Cloudy Water Sport Template
Firearms come in all shapes and sizes and are manufactured for a variety of purposes (hunting, recreation, competition, military use). Price can be anywhere from $100 - thousands of dollars. Categories of firearms include: Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, and Muzzle-loaders.

Pistols are hand fired firearms (handguns). They
can be semiautomatic, single shot, revolver, or fully
automatic in nature.

Semi automatic Kimber 1911 handgun. Cartridges fed by a spring loaded magazine. ANd9GcRsDUIrZhwmf8S2CAmC3BR4P4Wr5GliPAoXQTSrgxPoogtIIhC-

44.mag revolver handgun. Cartridges are fed into chamber by a revolving cylinder. W6U0jwKYv

Rifles are shoulder fired firearms. They can also be single shot, semiautomatic, or fully automatic in nature.

Modern day hunting rifle. Cartridges fed in the chamber by a bolt.

Shotguns are a form of a rifle designed to shoot multiple projectiles in one shot (Slugs and other specialized ammo are an exception)

A typical modern bird hunting shotgun.