

Tension in climbing is something that all climbers use, however the more conscious that you are of its affect and how it is helping you the greater your success at climbing will be. Tension during climbing is used to keep you on the wall, or rock face.most climbers use it,

without even thinking about it. gravity is constantly trying to pull a climber back to the ground. it is a constant force that is opposing a climbers upward motion. climbers typically use there arms as a tension force to oppose gravity, however even legs can be used as a force of tension when a heel hook (a move where you hook your heel high on a rock to support your weight) or similar move is preformed.
    one very interesting thing that climbers don't usually understand having to do with tension on the wall is that, when your arms are straight you are doing much less work than when they are bent. This is due to the fact that you are letting the tension go right down you arm instead of letting angles interfere. And are in turn are having to use your muscles way less with this method. this does not have quite as much to do with tension, however is applicable and it is something that most people don't really seem to know.