The lob...

Is like the serve in the hitting approach, though the lob can land anywhere on the court (depending on singles or doubles playing). A player wants to back pedal far enough back on the court to approach the falling ball. There can be rather high lobs as well as shorter lobs in height. Also there is long and short lobs, referring to the placement of the ball on the court.


....Net Play

If the ball lands close to the net, the player wants to approach the net. There are three spots on the court that are net plays: the service line, middle of the service box, and right at net. Players while at net are in the most defensive position to "put the ball away" and finish the point. When at net, players do not have to use as much energy to swing the racket, but there are at times where more energy in the swing is necessary. Though, net players are at a disadvantage than the base player. Net players are more limited to the area they can cover.