Failures of the Standard Model

Dark Matter

Page 1    Introduction
Page 2    What is the Standard Model?
Page 3    Major Accomplishments
Page 4    Where the Model Fails Us
Page 5    Gravity
Page 6    Antimatter/Matter Distribution
Page 7    Masses
Page 8    Three Generations
Page 9    Grand Unified Theory
Page 10  Dark Matter
The last major shortcoming of the Standard Model that I would like to consider is the existence of dark matter and energy; namely, the total failure of the Standard Model to predict or consider this strange phenomenon.  It is accepted that the universe is increasing in the rate of expansion.  This is sort of counter intuitive since gravity should be pulling things back together.  The culprit of this growing expansion has been appropriately labeled dark energy.  Also, gravitational effects are much higher than expected from observations of the known universe, but we can't see this mysterious matter which we have labeled dark matter, which we believe is not made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.  This is very exciting given the graph to the right representing the tiny fraction corresponding to matter and energy that we can account for and see around us, matter for which we have developed ingenious theories and laws, and studied extensively.  Dark matter and dark energy are possibly something entirely new yet very real.  We have much more to learn and hopefully someday, an old model to discard for a much better one.