General and Special
relativity give three types of corrections
to Classical Precession.
The three types of
correction are Thomas precession, de
Sitter precession, and Lense-Thirring precession.
Relativistic precession is
some difficult material to grasp because it deals with
Einstein's Special and General
theories of Relativity. It is also extremely math
So, over the course of this
website, I am not going to
cover it in depth.
it is however interesting material that deals with
bodies and how they are affected by the curvature of space
time, or how they
move through curved space.
The motion of our planet
earth is affected by relativistic
Below are two great videos
one discussing the precession of the earth,
and the other discussing again the motion of the earth
through space.
(Credit: Steven Sanders)
(Credit: Vsauce)
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