Taking advantage of or preventing convective heat transfer

Now that we have talked about some ways convection works in our natural environment, what are some ways that we take advantage of convection in designs?

One way that we try to prevent convection is by air sealing our buildings. Because of the temperature difference between outside air and inside air, thermal convection can occur, and a windy day outside can amplify the thermal convection. By air sealing buildings, we can minimize the thermal convection into or out of buildings, and thereby cut cooling or heating costs, prevent moisture problems, and get more control over the indoor environment. There is a point where there is too much air sealing, when the ventilation in a building is inadequate for health purposes. In general however, it is beneficial for people to air seal their buildings to reduce energy costs.

Another way that we try to prevent convection is in our building insulation. Back on the conventional insulation page, I brought up the question of if air is such a great insulator, why don't we just fill our insulating spaces with air? One obvious reason is that it would be very difficult to seal the air in the insulating area, but this could be overcome with large bags of air or some other way to contain the air. However, this solution doesn't prevent thermal convection between the two insulation walls. The air on one side of the insulation will be relatively warmer than the air on the other side of the insulation, which creates a temperature difference that can cause thermal convection inside the insulation. If we have no solids in the insulation, there will be a convective current in the insulation that will decrease the effectiveness of air as an insulator. Most of the effective conventional insulators that I mentioned, like mineral wool, areogel, and polystyrene have a small pore size that prevents the movement of fluids in the insulator. This forces thermal energy to transfer via convection rather than by convection, which makes rate of heat transfer across insulation much closer to conductive heat transfer without the influence of convective heat transfer.

polystyrene photomicrograph
Photomicrograph of 4 μμm polystyrene particles.

Now that we have talked about preventing convection, we will discuss how some engineering designs harness thermal convection to increase heat transfer rates. One that we have already mentioned is the heat sink that is used in cooling computer systems. As already stated, the heat sink will be designed with a high surface area to increase the the rate of conductive heat transfer to the surrounds, which is usually air. However, the rate of conductive heat transfer decreases with a decreasing temperature gradient, so keeping the temperature gradient between the heat sink and the air as high as possible is ideal. The main way that the temperature gradient is maintained is with convection. Hot air from the heat sink will naturally dissipate with natural convection processes, but this is often not fast enough for many heat transfer needs. In these cases forced convection will be used to increase the fluid movement through the heat sink and maintain the temperature gradient. By using forced convection to increase the rate of heat transfer from the heat sink to its environment, a heat sink system can effectively control the temperature of computer systems and other machines.

Heat sink and
Heat sink and fan used to increase the cooling rate of the computer.
By fir0002flagstaffotos [at] gmail.comCanon 20D + Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L - Own work, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1403949

There are many ways that heat transfer via convection is taken advantage of in our lives. Once we know how convective heat transfer works, it is easier to see the design considerations that have been utilized to take advantage of or prevent convection. The examples I have discussed are just a few that exist in our daily lives, but many more are out there, so keep an eye out and more convective heat transfer systems will appear.

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