Convection in Earth Systems

Convection is an important driver of circulation in many earth systems. Here are a couple major earth systems that are powered by convection.

First, circulation of fluids in the atmosphere is driven by convection. Radiation from the sun heats up air on the earth, however, it does not do so evenly because of the angle that the surface of the Earth has with the sun's incoming radiation. Air closer to equator will receive more thermal radiation than air closer to the poles, so air closer to the equator will receive more heat. This causes the hotter air to rise and the cooler air to be pulled down from the poles by the lower pressure. If the Earth's atmospheric movement was only influenced by convection, then a simple circulation cycle of cooler air coming down from the poles closer to the surface and warmer air rising and heading toward the poles is what would exist. However, the Earth's atmosphere is also influenced by its rotation, large landmasses, and tilted rotation axis. This leads to three different convection cells: a low-latitude Hadley Cell that moves air near the surface toward the equator and air higher in the atmosphere toward the poles, a mid-latitude Ferrel Cell that moves air near the surface pole-ward and air higher in the atmosphere toward the equator, and a high latitude Polar Cell that moves air near the surface toward the equator and air higher in the atmosphere toward the poles.

Circulatory cells
Air circulation in circulatory cells on Earth.
By Kaidor - Own work based on File:NASA depiction of earth global atmospheric circulation.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Another way that convection interacts with the earth is in the formation of sea and land breezes. Sea breezes are winds that come from the ocean (or another large water body) during the day, and land breezes are winds that come from the land toward the ocean during the night. These winds are caused by differences in temperature between air on land versus air over the ocean that drive convective movement of air. During the day, the air over the land will heat up more than the air over the ocean because of the difference in thermal properties between land and water. This leads to hotter air over land to rise, which leads to a low pressure area over the land, which causes air from the ocean to move in and creates the sea breeze. A land breeze is the same as a sea breeze, but it just occurs by going from the land to sea during the night when the air over the water is warm relative to the air over land. This movement of air due to different temperatures in different areas is a perfect example of convection in earth systems on a smaller scale.

Sea breeze diagram
Diagram of how a sea breeze forms.
By Theonlysilentbob at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

A last way that convection works in Earth systems is in the mantle. The mantle is mostly internally heated by processes such as radioactive decay, with only a small about of its heat coming from the Earth's core. So, convection in the mantle seems to be primarily driven by the subduction of colder lithosphere plates into the mantle, rather than heating from the base of the mantle. As a plate subducts into the mantle, an area of relatively low pressure behind it is created that is immediately filled by feeding more plate into the subduction zone. Eventually, a ridge is formed at the boundary between plates that are spreading apart, where warmer magma fills in behind to form new plate. This creates a convection cycle very similar to what is seen in the atmosphere or even with the sea breezes. A misconception is that plate tectonics is a driver or a result of mantle convection, plate tectonics is part of the cycle of mantle convection. A mantle convection cycle isn't the only convection going on in the mantle. In addition, there is convection occurring due to the mantle being heated by the Earth's core. Subducted lithosphere and mantle near the core form a relatively low viscosity and hot layer that rise through the mantle as plumes, which reach the lithosphere to become hot spots. "Plate tectonics thus appears to be the method by which a largely internally heated and viscous mantle cools by convection, whereas plumes essentially cool the core..." (Winter 2010). Convectional processes are not the only processes that are occurring below the surface of the Earth, but they are a major process in mantle systems. 

Mantle convection

Plate tectonic and plume convection systems in the Earth's mantle (Image from Winter 2010).

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