The Basics

The aerodynamics of fluid trajectories can vary enormous amounts with minute changes of shape from the projectile. Many instinctive hunches are proven to be incorrect. For instance, do you know why golf balls fly further when they have dimples on them? The dimples create a pocket of turbulence which protect the ball’s surface and minimizes drag.

Nerf Dart Aerodynamics

In order to understand the physics of the foam dart’s trajectory, the darts themselves need to be understood as well. Proper dart trajectory is a clean straight path with a slight curve towards the ground due to gravity. If a dart fishtails, descends too quickly, or is inaccurate, the dart design is at fault. Many flaws can be avoided with a proper understanding of what is going on during the dart’s flight. A few factors which need to be taken into account when analyzing anything in flight, are the center of mass and center of pressure. The center of pressure is the point at which the sum of all the pressure vectors act on the dart and the center of mass also can be called the center of gravity is the point where the weight of the dart is acted on by gravity. The center of mass follows the trajectory curve. Both the center of mass and the center of pressure are approximately in the positions as shown in the figure.

The dart, as soon as it exits the barrel, starts descending due to gravity acting on the mass. The dart is not pointed directly in the angle of the trajectory and instead is at an angle against it shown in the diagram as the angle of attack. The result is that the air flow pushes the center of pressure from an angle below. Because the point of pressure is behind the center of mass, the air flow will pivot the dart at the center of mass making the tip point upwards. If not properly stabilized, these forces could oppose one another and cause the dart to tumble through the air instead.

With the information calculated earlier, we can put the CAD model into Solidworks and get simulations of the air pressure, velocity, acoustic power level, and thermal levels while traveling 153.88 m/s in 101,325 Pa at 293.2 K.

This model shows the relative pressure of the air surrounding the dart in pascals

This model shows the velocity of the air around the dart in m/s and Mach

This is the temperature of the air in Kelvin

This is the acoustic power level measured in Decibels

Drag Coefficient
Opening up the goals in the Solidworks flow simulator, we can plug in the coefficient of drag equation to get the approximate value for drag. The average result shown below was 0.6212 which is a very reasonable value. Looking at the drag coefficient of a normal cylinder, at right, we can see for the length of the standard Nerf dart has a drag coefficient of 0.67. Our 0.6212 value makes sense since there is very little difference from the Nerf dart to a cylinder, besides a slightly pointed tip. We will use the drag coefficient value later when calculating the trajectory.

Data for the drag coefficient of a cylinder.
Example data set from the Gas Gun Design Tool

Supersonic Speeds

In an atmosphere, supersonic (speeds greater than the speed of sound) projectiles compress the air in front of the object forming a cone shockwave which gets thinner as the speed increases until they merge together, shown at right. An equation that summarizes the angle of the cone uses half the angle to make an upside-down, right triangle with an object on the ground.


Behind the object is negative pressure and the higher-pressure air in front normalizes when the object passes. This is known as an “overpressure profile” or an N-wave and can be described by Weibull’s formula:


Where: 2410 is a constant based on 100kPa, m is net explosives mass, and V is volume of given area. Due to the need for volume, Weibull’s formula works best in a controlled environment with a measurable space. Now, taking our Nerf dart again, we can see the shockwaves produced when traveling Mach 2.0 at STP.

Here are the airflow models of Nerf dart at high speed vs normal speed pictures rendered in Solidworks. It is apparent that the design of the Nerf dart was not intended for supersonic flight due to the severe low pressure area behind the dart.
Angle alpha (α) shown as half the angle of the cone

Nerf foam dart at Mach 2

                    39mm bullet at Mach 2