Kinetic Energy of a

So how much energy is there in continental drift
anyway? Energy can be invested into the crust in
many ways, such as potential energy in large
mountain ranges, kinetic energy in the movement of
plates, and elastic energy caused by compression
of the plates. The easiest of these to solve for
is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is solved using
the equation KE=1/2mv^2. We will solve for
the kinetic energy of Australia, because out of
every continent, Australia is the least
geologically active at its center, and as a result
its movement is very uniform.

to Clitheroe et al, the crust of Australia
is 38.8 km thick on average. Multiplied by an area
of 7.69 million km^2, the continent of Australia
has a volume of 2.98x10^17 m^3. A typical felsic
rock has a density of 2650 kg/m^3 (West). Thus the
continent of Australia has a mass of 7.9*10^20 kg.
According to Howard, the continent of Australia is
drifting northward uniformly at 7 cm per year, or
2.2^10-9 m/s. Since we have v and m,
we can solve for KE. This comes out to 1950

1950 joules is a very small
amount of energy. There is much uncertainty in
this number, such as the assumption that all of
Australia is felsic material. Another important
factor to consider is that this accounts only for
the kinetic energy of the portion of the
Australian continent that is above water, while a
very large portion of it resides underwater. It is
clear however that the magnitude of Australia's
kinetic energy is very small. This does not,
however, mean that there is little energy in
continental drift. Continental drift causes huge
releases of energy such as earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. It simply means that little of
this energy is stored as kinetic energy. Other
ways that energy can be stored in the crust are as
thermal energy, elastic energy caused by
compression of the crust, and as potential energy,
such as when forming mountain ranges.