Physics of A black Hole
Since the kinetic energy of the escape
velocity will be zero and the gravitational pull will be
zero we can set the two equations together and solve for v
to find the escape velocity. Where G is the Gravitational
constant, M is the mass of the planet and r is the radius
of the planet.
v =
inward, making the star denser and denser. Sometimes this super dense point becomes a black hole, but not always. For a star to become a black hole its needs to be compressed below the Schwarzschild Radius. The equation to find the Schwarzschild Radius is given below where G is the universal gravitational constant and c is the speed of light. Physic's for Idiots explained that if you want the earth to be a black hole it would need to be compressed to the size of the mosquito.
R = ((2G)/c^2)< (2)