Hard Drives

Sources: 1st Picture:http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/
2nd Picture: http://www.computer-hardware-explained.com/images/hard-drive-labeled.jpg

How it works 

A hard drive may look like a complex piece of hardware but the way it saves data is a process that can be understood intuitively with a little physics. When the hard drive is supplied power, it causes a silver platter or silver platters to spin via a motor driven  spindle located in the middle of the platter(s). The faster the spindle spins the platters, the quicker the data can be read from the hard drive. Typically, hard drives today spin at speeds of 7200rpm but some server hard drives can reach speeds ranging from 10,000rpm - 15,000rpm.

Basic Parts

Writing Data

When a hard drive is instructed to write data, the actuator moves out over the silver platter stack and positions the actuator head precisely where it wishes to start writing data. The head is a small electromagnet and to write data, it changes the magnetic polarization on the platter which is translated to the computer as binary ones and zeros. To read data, the actuator once again moves to the location on the disk but rather than changing the magnetic polarization it simply reads it. But how does it do this?

Reading Data

By using Faraday's Law, we know that the EMF generated is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. Therefore, the head is reading whether or not data has been changed by detecting voltage jumps from changes in the magnetic polarization on the silver platter. Where the head detects a voltage displacement (the voltage jump can be either positive or negative) it record a binary one. Oppositely, when the head records that no voltage displacement has occurred, it records a binary zero. These binary values are then passed to the computer for processing via the ribbon cable located on the underside of the hard drive casing.

Faraday's Law:


EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux

As stated in the beginning of this section, a faster spinning platter results in quicker data reading/writing. We now know why this is the case, when the actuator head is positioned above some location on the platter, it manipulates the magnetic polarity of the platter or detects voltage displacements in that specific location. These processes can be accomplished almost instantaneously for any given ring the actuator head reads from or writes to in one disk rotation. Hence, by speeding up the disk rotation, the actuator head can complete a full rotations worth of reading/writing and move onto the next ring faster resulting in faster data transfer.

Actuator Precision

In order for the electromagnet on the actuator head to do anything with the magnetic polarization, it must get incredibly close to the silver platter surface with immaculate precision. This is once again achieved by using the physics that govern electricity and magnetism. Inside the actuator, the mechanism (a straight wire) that controls its movement is placed in between two very powerful magnets. When current is directed through the wire, the wire experiences a Lorentz force.

What is a Lorentz force?

A Lorentz force is a force that is induced by a current carrying wire placed in a magnetic field. In the case of the hard drive actuator, when current is ran through the wire in one direction, it causes the actuator to experience a Lorentz force and move towards one of the powerful magnets. On the other hand, running a current in the opposite direction generates a Lorentz force that moves the actuator in the opposite direction. The current that is ran through the wire can be controlled with extreme precision and as a result, the actuator can also be controlled with similar precision. Therefore by use of Lorentz forces, hard drives can read and write data with up to 10nm of precision.

Lorentz Force Equation

The force experienced by a current carrying wire within a magnetic field is in the direction of the cross product IxB

source: faraday's law:  https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ee753ea2118e58df865da9933dae2cc8
source: Lorentz Force: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/magfor.html