Types of Submarines

Technically, a submarine is a submersible craft of any type. Often they are associated with war or military machines but there are other types of submarines as well. This list will give a description of some different types of submarines from the warships to search and rescue subs, to personal submarines.

War / Military Submarines:
Submarines have been used for military purposes since the Civil War. They started to become popular in World War II with the German U-Boat. Nowadays the Navy has three different classes of submarines that I would classify as warship or war submarines. These submarines are: Attack Submarines, Ballistic Missile Submarines, and Guided Missile Submarines.

- Attack Submarines:

As read from the U.S. Navy website, "Attack submarines are designed to seek and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships; project power ashore with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Special Operation Forces (SOF); carry out Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions; support battle group operations; and engage in mine warfare." Attack submarines make up 73 percent of the Navy's submarine force and provide one of the biggest deterrents that our Navy has to offer. These submarines come outfitted with a number of different weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Navy Attack Submarine

- Ballistic Missile Submarines:

As read from the U.S. Navy website, "Since the 1960s, strategic deterrence has been the SSBN's sole mission, providing the United States with its most survivable and enduring nuclear strike capability." Ballistic submarines focus on being very stealthy mobile nuclear missile launch platforms. These subs are known as the "boomers" since they are virtually undetectable launch platforms for intercontinental missiles. These submarines will usually spend 75 days at sea and then 35 days at port for scheduled maintenance and whatnot.

Ballistic Missile Submarine
Ballistic Missil Submaarine Launching missile

- Guided Missile Submarines:

As read from the U.S. Navy website, "Ohio-class guided-missile submarines (SSGN) provide the Navy with unprecedented strike and special operation mission capabilities from a stealthy, clandestine platform. Armed with tactical missiles and equipped with superior communications capabilities, SSGNs are capable of directly supporting Combatant Commander's strike and Special Operation Forces (SOF) requirements." These submarines specialize in supporting special force operations all over the world. These subs can hold the most special force personal of any of the other military submarines. They are said to be key in the Navy's future engagements.

Click HERE to see more about Military Submarines.

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