Optimal road design within a mine should include the rolling resistance of the road itself. Rolling resistance and tracktion are esstinal to having a safe road way.

Road Drainage
The design of road drainage is to assure that excess water entering the road way drains off to the sides and is carry away. Poor road drainage can lead to pooling of water on haulage roads creating soft spots that lead to higher rolling resistance.

Acceptable Rolling resistance
Most mines road haulage ways are given a rolling resistacne of 3 percent. The table below shows rolling resistacnes with discriptions:

For in pit roads an acceptable value is 4-5 percent for rolling resistacne is usally designed around. All ramps are expected to have the best design in terms of rolling resistance. These roads need to be firm and well maintain coming from pits to the surface. With trucks being loaded and working hard to get up the hill the last thing you want is a bad roadway.