Ring Current

- Since the pi electrons in these
p-orbitals are delocalized, they can be thought
of as being shared by every carbon of the
aromatic ring
- Since the electrons can move
from on carbon p-orbital to the overlapping
carbon p-orbital without changing the compound
the electrons are free to move in a circle in
the overlapping p-orbitals around the aromatic
- This circular movement around
the aromatic ring by the electrons causes a
current to be formed by the moving electrons
because the negative charged electrons are
moving from one carbon to the next.

The inside circle of the benzene ring shows the
direction of current caused by the pi electrons going
around the ring.
The current resulting from a benzene ring is I=(-ne^2H0)/4pi
m c
where n is the number of electrons, e is the charge on
the electron, H0 is the
strength of a perpendicular magnetic field