Grappling Hook

    The grappling hook is another one of Batman's famous gadgets he uses to sneak up on unsuspecting criminals or to save a the girl that is falling to her death by jumping down and grappling to stop his momentum and keep himself and the girl from hitting the ground.  It is a very cool idea and is actually possible to make a grappling hook that can do this, but the size that batman needs for his utility belt is what makes it not very plausible that he can use it like he does.  In order for Batman to be able to hold himself and create a force pulling him at at high speeds he would need a very strong rope.  Granted there are ropes out there strong enough to do this but they are not that small.  Scientist would have to develop a small rope that could carry a 90kg man up a wall at fast speeds while being super light and portable.  So with billions of dollars in research Batman could possibly come up with the capabilities to have scientist research this and have one in real life.  So far the closest anyone has come was a MIT student who created a grappling hook that can ascend a 250 pound man 50 feet in the air in five seconds or less.  The only downfall to this is that the device weighs over 20 pounds.

Grappling Hook

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