Using EDT's for Interstellar Travel

The backbone of using EDT's for interstellar travel has to do with the Lorentz force. This is the force that is made when the current flowing through the wire reacts with the earths magnetic field. It propels the spacecraft in another direction. This is how spacecrafts move when it is using the electrodynamic tether system. This allows for a more efficient way of moving a spacecraft. Depending on the conductive material used for the tether the overall price would be cheaper than using thrust to move an object. The EDT can also be used to generate power aboard a spacecraft. It can also go the other way around as it can allow acceleration of the spacecraft. While this seems like a good idea it doesn't get rid of the whole using thrust to enter and exit a specif power beam or make solar passes. Below is an image showing how EDT's can be used for interstellar travel.

Plane thrust

Figure from ""Fig34 Plane Thrust". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikipedia -"

In the figure above it shows how with a specific velocity and movement, how the thrust moves the spacecraft and which direction it will move. An in-plane thrust is when it's in the same direction as the velocity where an out-of-plane thrust is in a opposite direction as the velocity.

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