History of Electronic Submersible Pumps

History of ESP's:
The first ESP was developed in 1916 by Armais Arutunoff in the country of Ukraine. Armais realized the complexity of generating such a high horse power with such a small diameter motor. He was able to study the laws of electricity and came up with a design. Before they had completed testing, a fire broke out in the factory where they were developing the pump at. As the blaze spread through the night, one of Armais's engineers hooked up the unit in a horizontal position and sprayed massive amounts of water, which put the fire out. The ESP instantly became a success and was used for oil wells, dewatering mines, and ships, and used throughout Russia and Germany. Armais came to America in 1923 with the intention to sell  his idea to American backers. Everyone he approached turned him down saying that it was impossible under the laws of electronics. Eventually, the vice president and general manager of Phillips Petroleum heard of Armais invention and saw the potential for it within the petroleum indusrty. After negotiations, he constructed the first ESP and installed it in an oil well in the El Dorado field near Burns Kansas. The ESP was an instant success and caused a rapid change in the petroleum industry.

Armais Arutunoff

The team that installed the very first ESP