Energy Savings
The Peltier cooler acts similar to a heat engine, therefore the
efficiency is maximized with a high tempurature differential. As
the heat source increases in temperature, more voltage is provided
by the cooler to the small electric motor. Airflow is increased
drastically causing improved convection and more even heating.
While the efficiency of the Eco-fan itself depends on an ouptut
versus input energy ratio, it is important to keep in mind that no
additional energy is required to power the fan. Since the Eco-fan
operates on the heat already being provided, there is benefit at
no additional operation cost. This being the case, less fuel is
required to do the same amount of heating in shorter amount of
time. While, depending on brand, an Eco-fan unit may cost anywhere
from $50 - $150 this cost can quickly be made back in fuel savings
and then begin to save you money on heating costs.