warp speed graph

For operations up to .25c (.25 the speed of light) the impulse engines are used. This is for general maneuvering during docking and destination travel.
On the
 Enterprise there are two impulse engines on the saucer module and one on the main body of the craft. There are deuterium tanks and antimatter tanks for use
as fuel in multiple places. I
f the speeds were too high during impulse there would be relativistic concerns to be dealt with.

Einstein's theory of relativity has to do with space and time being interwoven and that massive objects such as the earth can bend the space-time, felt as gravity.
 The speed of light is the same to someone observing it regardless of the speed that person is traveling. "Imagine setting a large body in the center of a
trampoline. The body would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. A marble rolled around the edge would spiral inward toward the body, puling in
 much the same way the the gravity of a planet pulls at rocks in space."-Nola Taylor Redd, There have been several ways of confirming Einstein's
theory of relativity, one being gravitation lensing. When you look at a massive object at a distance is space, such as a black hole, the light bends as it goes around
 that object with the dimple in space-time. The image below show the a black hole acting as a lens, bending a quasar from the Pegasus constellation so four
 images of the same thing appear as a result of the light being bent. This certain quasar is 8 billion light-years away sitting behind a galaxy that is only 400
million light-years away. Another validation is that Mercury is changing orbit as a result of the sun. A really interesting experiment done by Robert Pound and
Glen Rebka at Harvard University was an experiment with the Doppler Effect. They shot gamma rays of radioactive iron up a tower at the University and they
were found to be less than their natural frequency because gravity caused distortions. Currently research is being done to try to find evidence of gravitational
waves from the collision of 2 massive bodies like black holes. This research is being done by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO)
 in Washington.
einstein relativity example

Warp speed and factor are purely made up for the series and movies so that the crews can travel large distances quickly. There doesn't seem to be any base in
real science except that with increasing speed the energy required to do so increases exponentially. The speeds are accomplished through the reaction of matter
 and antimatter.The nacelles generate the warp field allowing for the faster than light travel and also collect helium that is floating in space to put back into the
gas tank basically.

  warp nacelle

warp speed chart

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