Contents: | Return to Home Page | |
Fusion Concepts | Controlled Fusion Methods | Modern Research Efforts |
Conceptual Overview | Inertial Confinement Reactors | Inertial Confinement Research |
Conditions for Fusion | Magnetic Confinement Reactors | Tokamak and Stellerator Research |
Magnetic Confinement devices work to typically achieve a Deuterium-Tritium fusion by super-heating the two isotopes of Hydrogen within a chamber in very clever ways.
Firstly, the Hydrogen inside the reactor is intended be heated to a temperature upwards of 150,000,000 degrees Celsius before ignition of the fusion reaction.
No materials exist on this Earth which can withstand structural integrity at these temperatures. Before the gas enters a superheated state, however, it will
absorb a very large amount of energy and become ionized. When it reaches this state, it should no longer be classified as a gas and instead be classified as
a plasma. Plasmas are classified as raised to an energy high enough to be ionized, and thus carry charge. Since the superheated plasma then carries an electric charge,
it will experience a force when moving through the presence of a magnetic field. No matter the variety of reactor, magnetic confinement reactors are lined
with a current-carrying coil which induces a magnetic field within the shape of the space the plasma moves through. The aim of this is to generate a magnetic field
such that the superheated plasma is directed in a path that will not come into contact with anything but itself, working around the fact that no material can confine
the plasma. This magnetic field also induces an electrical current within the plasma itself, which will further energize the plasma until it reaches the right
temperature and pressures for an extended and controlled fusion reaction. The most promising and currently researched magnetic confinement reactor design at
the present appears to be the Topamak, although there are several other designs that have been proposed. The most striking difference between different
magnetic confinement reactors is the shape of the plasma-containing chamber, the guiding magnetic field geometries, and also methods of heating the plasma.
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Profile view displaying poloidal and toroidal field orientations. | Another profile view | A diagram representing the helical resultant field from summing the toroidal and poloidal fields. |