Is the Brain a Quantum Computer?


Some physicists propose that the brain acts like a quantum computer (a machine that uses quantum physics laws to work). The main proponents of this this are physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hamerhof. Penrose's argument rests on the idea that humans are able to solve problems that computer algorithms are not, therefor human brain's cannot be compared to a regular computer and must rely on quantum mechanics. He uses the argument that because human's are able of knowing the truth of Godel's Unprovable statements (a theory is either false and provable or true but unprovable), the human conscious and thought is non-computable. He says that though a formal proof system can't prove it's own inconsistency, human mathematicians can prove Godel's unprovable statements therefore human brains aren't running on a computable algorithm (i.e. a quantum level)

Hammerhof suggested that micro-tubules in the brain would be capable of quantum computations. Together Penrose and Hamerhof developed the Orch OR model (Orchestrated Objective Reduction model).

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