Movements of Today in Tesla's Honor

Nikola Tesla: Intro
 Life and Death of Nikola Tesla Greatest Discoveries Movements of Today in Tesla's Honor

Drawing of Tesla
In recent times, there has been an uproar in support of Nikola Tesla and his work. Today, we honor him countless ways- yet we all know in our hearts it will never be enough. Nikola Tesla was a batshit crazy man, but he recognized he had the power to help the world. And instead of monetarily capitalizing on his ability, he shook Responsibility's hand and pushed on through.

Starting in New York, there are both corners and streets somehow named after him. Hotels and Park Places have commemorative plaques to honor his memory. An old hotel Tesla used to stay at has been converted into a Radio Wave Building. Memorial Societies, Boards, and Committees have been established in his memory- protecting his history and teaching people of the ways history actually occurred.

Tesla even got a year named after him. Serbia, Croatia, UNESCO, and Canada all declared 2006 as "Nikola Tesla Year" in commemorative action of the 150th anniversery of Tesla's birth. Statues have been errected of Tesla in numerous countries, like the US, Canada, Croatia, and the United Kingdom.

He has also been labeled as one of the "Top 100 Americans of All Time" on Discovery Channel. He has a U.S. Postal stamp with his face on it.  The Mayor of New York, at the time Fiorello Laguardia, delivered the eulogy for Tesla's funeral, which was broadcasted throughout all of New York.

In the spirit of efficiency and electricity, a brand of automobile has also come to fruition in Tesla's honor. Now available is a Tesla car- a highly efficient, innovative, and sleek design for an electric car. Most believe the Tesla is what officially made electric cars 'cool'. Ranging anywhere from $70,000-$95,000, the sedans get roughly 94 miles to the gallon and rechargeable. The multitude of internet masses are so thankful to finally see Tesla get recognition in a socially exposed way - more than just in a text book, equation, or on an old forgotten plaque. The Tesla sedans and SUVs are forces to be reckoned with, much like ol' Tesla's mind.