Answer Key 1
1. Your friend Jesse wants to know how fast he can throw a basketball. He stands on a bench and throws the     ball horizontally from a height of 4.0 m above the ground. The basketball lands 15 m away. How fast did     he initially throw the basketball?
    Jesse initially threw the ball with a speed of 16.6 m/s.
2. A ball is thrown from a building at an angle of 45 degrees below the horizontal. Immediately after the ball     is released, is the magnitude of its acceleration greater than, less than, or equal to g? Explain?
    The magnitude of its acceleration is equal to g. As the only force acting on the ball is the force due to             gravity.

3. A tank that is traveling at a constant velocity on a level grass field and fires straight up.
    a. When the projectile comes back down will it land in front of the barrel, behind the barrel, or directly             in the barrel?
    b. Would the answer change if the cart is accelerating in the backward direction? If so, how?
    a. When the projectile comes down it will land directly in the barrel.
    b. Yes. The projectile would than land in front of the barrel.

4. A coconut is thrown from a tree horizontally at 25 m/s and travels a horizontal distance of 50 m before         hitting the ground. How tall was the tree if you are 2 meters tall.
    The tree is 17.6 meters tall.

5. A drunk driver drives a truck off a cliff 10 meters high. His speed was 20.0 m/s. How far does the truck         land from the base of the cliff?
    The drunk driver in the truck lands about 29m from the base of the cliff.