Casting angle

- Because you want to maximize
your lure's time in the water without much
effort casting, you want to maximize your
casting distance while also minimizing your
reeling speed.
- Without taking
into account
variables like wind or sea level, the best angle
to cast at is a 45* angle upwards. This is
because you want to maximize the time the lure
has to move in the air, while also maintaining
as much lateral velocity as possible.
- However, If the wind is coming
directly into your casting, you will want to
cast more horizontally so that the power that
you would normally put into the vertical
direction is redistributed to the horizontal
direction, allowing you minimize the impact of
the wind on your lure.
- The same idea can also apply to
winds which work in your favor (also known as
unicorn winds), but in reverse. Here, you would
want to throw your lure higher than usually to
take advantage of the positive drag your lure
would receive from the wind.