Katarina Vance, PHYS 211, Fall 2018


“Landslides & Debris Flows.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, www.nps.gov/dena/learn/nature/landslides.htm.

“What Is Mass Movement?” What Is an Aquifer?, imnh.iri.isu.edu/digitalatlas/geo/basics/massmvnt.htm.

“10 Mass Wasting.” An Introduction to Geology, opengeology.org/textbook/10-mass-wasting/.

Capps, D. Denali Geology Road Guide - National Park Service, https://www.nps.gov/dena/learn/nature/upload/Denali-Geology-Road-Guide.pdf

Ritter, Dale F., et al. Process Geomorphology. Waveland Press, Inc., 2011.

Watkins, Annie, and Scott Hughes. “ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY - GEOL 406/506.” Digital Geology of Idaho - Accreted Terranes, geology.isu.edu/wapi/EnvGeo/EG4_mass_wasting/EG_module_4.htm.