Background Info

    A Yo-Yo is basically composed of two thin round shaped disks with an axle connecting at their centers. A string, usually about 30", is then loosely attached to the axle between the disks and wound up. The other end of the string is looped around a finger. The Yo-Yo is then released from a hand with a force to propel the Yo-Yo away from the hand. The Yo-Yo is only returned to its starting position if a small tug is given on the string. Numerous tricks can be done with a Yo-Yo such as: “Rock the Baby”, “Around the World”, and “Walk the Dog” to name a few. Most have heard of the famous Duncan Yo-Yo brand and many may assume that Duncan actually invented it. Too much surprise, the Yo-Yo was actually developed way before Duncan’s time. He merely purchased the rights, trademarked the coined name, “Yo-Yo”, and made it widely popular in the United States.