"Pokémon are creatures of all shapes and sizes
who live in the wild or alongside humans... During their
Pokémon grow and become more experienced
and even, on occasion, evolve into stronger Pokémon. There are
more than 700
creatures that inhabit the Pokémon
universe." - pokemon.com
There are hundreds of Pokemon, moves, and
types that I could spend years finishing this webpage to
accommodate all 700 creatures and the power they could bring to
the real world, but due to constrants, I am choosing to focus on
three Pokemon. Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise are the most
known Pokemon trio, which is why I choose them to emphasize the
relationship of Pokemon battling. All three have special
properties that can unlock stronger power to defeat their
opponent. These properties include......
- MEGA EVOLUTION = a 'different' type of evolution a
Pokemon can undergo during battle, which unlocks a deep power
that comes from a deep connection with it's Trainer and only
last till the battle ends

there are 18 types of Pokemon, between these three Pokemon
there are five types (with Charizard +flying and Venusaur
+poison). Fire is super-effective against Grass, meaning that
grass types take 2x the attack of a fire-type attack. Water is
super-effective against Fire, and Grass is super-effective
against Water. In contrast, water is not very effective
against grass, and fire is not very effective against water,
and because Charizard is both flying and fire type it has a
1/4 resistance to any grass type move.