Where are Quasars in the sky?


The above photo     was taken by the Hubble Telescope.
This is a quasar jet, also        emitting from black hole, 3C-273  

Where would one find a quasar? Look far away in an old galaxy,
quasars are some of the most ancient cosmological phenomenons
out there! Though they stretch thousands      of times further than the
limits of      their own galaxy, quasars aren't anywhere near us. It's
likely quasars died out long ago and all we're seeing are ghosts of
ancient bright beasts.


This photo of a quasar from black hole, 3C-273
was taken by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Quasars aren't close to us, by any means. For example, one quasar known as PKS 1127-145 is ten billion light-years away from earth. The pictures below are of the exact same space, one in optical light, and one in x-ray. All of the galaxies in the first picture may look close to each other in brightness, but in the second you can clearly see which one is the quasar. The jet coming out of PKS is 10 million light-years long, putting the other galaxies to shame.