Soccer: How to get the perfect
What is the perfect kick?
Ideally, you want your kick to be both
fast, accurate and unpredictable. If you watch
professional soccer highlights it looks like the ball
is following one trajectory and then it changes its
trajectory almost like magic. The way to get your kick
to do this is by giving it the correct rotation so
that it interacts with frictional forces in the air to
alter the trajectory of the ball.
How to achieve the perfect kick
The kick itself is an inelastic
collision between the ball and the kicker's
foot. This means we will use the law of
conservation of momentum. Momentum of ball +
foot before = Momentum of ball + foot after.
In general this means that if you have a
higher velocity when your foot is in contact
with the ball, it will also have a higher
velocity. Once the ball is kicked it will
follow the rules of projectile motion, since
it is undergoing no forces except for gravity.
The way to give your ball this change in
trajectory that makes professional player's
shots so unpredictable is called the Magnus
effect. In short, as you kick the ball with a
rotation, the velocities of the air around the
ball will change due to that rotation, causing
a change in pressure on different sides around
the ball. This change in pressure results in
the ball changing trajectory since a force
from the air is acting upon the ball (Newton's
first law). In general you want to kick a ball
to the right of its center to give the ball a
rotation that will curve it to the left, and
vice versa.