Future Potential

Quantum computers have an amazing potential for the future.
What makes quantum computers so powerful is the fact
that if a quantum computer takes "n" number of operations
to do a function, it would take a classical computer "n^2"
operations to do the same function. This could make the
difference between performing 1,000 operations vs
performing 1,000,000 operations.

quantum computer

Picture from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMdHDHEuOUE
One incredible ability that quantum computers would
give us is the ability to find the prime factors of extremely
large numbers. Prime factorization is something that is commonly
used for encryption because it is so difficult for classical computers
to find when it involves a very large number. Quantum computers
would be very powerful code breakers.

Probably the most exciting part about quantum computers
is their potential for solving very difficult optimization
problems. Optimization problems are about finding the
best solution or way to do something.

Picture from: http://www.unimas.my/wc00-degree-of-computational-science

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