Dangers in Blowouts

Blowouts are very dangerous and can cause a lot of damage. http://www.marketplace.org/topics/business/where-oil-industry-meets-alternative-energy
A blowout has enough force to push out drill strings from the well. Oil and gas are also not the only materials launched out of a well in a blowout. Rocks, mud and sand can be launched out of the well. With heavy materials and machinery under high pressure objects can be launched out of the well and ripped off the rig at high speeds it can be very dangerous.



As materials are launched out they can cause enough heat through friction or rocks sparking on objects to ignite the natural gas or oil. Sometimes resulting in uncontainable fires and destruction of the rig and well. Sub sea blowouts can also occur causing the rig to potentially sinking the rig and lighting it ablaze.


The Physics
To really understand the dangers you have to see the speed that rocks are being projected out of the well. With rock reaching a height of 200 feet (60 meters) we can use our simple free fall motion to see what the velocity is as rocks shoot out of the well and hit the ground.

Velocity = sqrt(2*Gravity*Height)
Velocity = sqrt(2*9.81*60)
Velocity = 32.29m/s

These calculations allow us to see that the rocks are projected and hit the ground at very fast speeds making them very dangerous. At 32.29m/s the rocks can easily spark when coming in contact with objects and be destructive in impact.

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