ATM 693 Climate Journal Club (1 Credit) Fall 2005

Focus : Natural Cycles in the Earth System

Instructor of Record: Dr. Igor Polyakov (474-2686, & Uma Bhatt (x 2662,

Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday in IARC 319 CRN 77745

Office Hours:  By appointment

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing and a basic knowledge of meteorology and/or oceanography, climate, such that the student is able to read and comprehend current journal articles reasonably well.   

Materials Needed: No Required Text. Reading materials will be available for students/participants to copy.

Expectation and Grading Policy: Students are expected to attend the class, do the required reading, participate and give one lecture. Each student will lead a discussion for at least one journal article or give a research talk. The class will be graded Pass/Fail.          

Course Overview:

  The "Climate Group" has evolved from an informal meeting for researchers, Ph.D and Masters students to be held at IARC.

This semester the class will revolve around the theme of 'Natural Cycles in the Earth System'. The course will begin with formal lectures from UAF faculty on various topics aimed at the level of students. The topics covered in the formal lectures will include: Overview of Climate time scales, The Diurnal cycle, Intraseasonal scales, Interannual, Decadal, Multi-decadal and Milankovich scales. This will be followed by more specific lectures on topics such as turbulence & the polar vortex, ENSO, and the seasonal terrestrial cycle. Student presentations on topics decided upon in consultation with the instructor will be given in the second half of the semester.

Expected Proficiencies:

We are working out the schedule with scientists according to our topic progression and their availibility but the following topics will be presented during the semester:

Course Outline: Meeting Dates with Topics




2 Sept. 2005 


  • General Class Expectations (I. Polyakov)

  • Overview Scales in Climate (I. Polyakov)

IARC 319

9 Sept. 2005 


  • Coupling of Seasonal and Turbulent Scales in the Polar Vortex (D. Newman)

IARC 319

16 Sept. 2005 


  • Seasonal Cycle in Climate (I. Polyakov & U. Bhatt)

IARC 319
coffee & cookies

23 Sept. 2005 


  • ENSO Climate Variability (U. Bhatt)
IARC 319
coffee & cookies

30 Sept. 2005 


  • Multi-decadal Climate Variability (I. Polyakov)

IARC 319
coffee & cookies

7 Oct. 2005 


  • Discussion of Hockey Stick Papers (See Uma to get copies of key papers)

IARC 319

14 Oct. 2005 


  • Daily Oceanic Tides (Harper Simmons) (Email Uma or Harper to get the Tides handout)

IARC 319

21 Oct. 2005 


  • Daily Inertial Cycle in Sea Ice (B. Hibler)
IARC 319

28 Oct. 2005 


  • Climate change over 10^3to 10^5 yr cycles: Records and proxies. (N. Bigelow)

IARC 319

4 Nov. 2005 


  • Carbon Dioxide Cycles (D. McGuire)

IARC 319

11 Nov. 2005 


  • Biological Cycles (C. Deal)

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18 Nov. 2005 


  • A Natural Decadal Feedback Loop for Arctic Climate Variability (J. Wang)
IARC 319

2 Dec. 2005 


  • Hydrological Cycle (L. Hinzman)

IARC 319

9 Dec. 2005


  • Student Presentations
IARC 319



This page was last updated 10-Jan-2006 .