Instructor : Uma Bhatt (x 2662,
Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday in IARC 319 CRN 45143
Class Syllabus available in pdf, here.
Student presentations are encouraged (even if you are not registered for the class) and everyone is welcome to come, ask questions and throw tomatoes.
22 Jan. 2010 class#1 |
Climate of Alaska overview (pdf of talk) Led by Uma Bhatt |
29 Jan. 2010 class#2 |
Paper discussion: FITTON, E.M., 1930: THE CLIMATES OF ALASKA. Mon. Wea. Rev., 58, 85–103. & SUMMERS, M.B., 1924: SOME FEATURES OF THE CLIMATE OF ALASKA.. Mon. Wea. Rev., 52, 493–496. link to [Summers, 1924] and main paper [Fitton 1930] |
5 Feb. 2010 class#3 |
Paper discussion: Hartmann, B., and G. Wendler, 2005: The Significance of the 1976 Pacific Climate Shift in the Climatology of Alaska. J. Climate, 18, 4824–4839. link to [Hartmann and Wendler, 2005] |
12 Feb. 2010 class#4 |
"A brief introduction to Baysian statistics" by Dr. Margaret Short, Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UAF. |
19 Feb. 2010 class#5 |
Paper discussion: Overland, J. E. (2009), Meteorology of the Beaufort Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C00A07, doi:10.1029/2008JC004861. Led by Uma Bhatt and Jing Zhang |
26 Feb. 2010 class#6 |
Paper discussion: J.M. Papineau, 2001: Wintertime temperature anomalies in Alaska correlated with ENSO and PDO, International Journal of Climatology, 21, 1577-1592, doi:10.1002/joc.686. link to [Papineau, 2001] Led by Dan Wetzel |
5 Mar. 2010 class#7 |
Paper discussion: Carrera, M.L., R.W. Higgins, and V.E. Kousky, 2004: Downstream Weather Impacts Associated with Atmospheric Blocking over the Northeast Pacific. J. Climate, 17, 4823–4839. [Carrera et al., 2004] Led by Paula Doubrawa Moreira |
12 Mar. 2010 |
NO CLASS on Friday because it is Spring Break! |
19 Mar. 2010 class#8 |
Paper discussion: Linkin, M.E., and S. Nigam, 2008: The North Pacific Oscillation–West Pacific Teleconnection Pattern: Mature-Phase Structure and Winter Impacts. J. Climate, 21, 1979–1997. [Linkin and Nigam, 2008] Led by Peter Bieniek (Uma away) |
26 Mar. 2010 class#9 |
Kimberly Giroux - Presentation on her NOAA proposal, title TBD. (half of class)
2 Apr. 2010 class#10 |
Paper discussion: Paige et al., 2009 (online): The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment, Space Sci Reviews, DOI 10.1007/s11214-009-9529-2. [Paige et al., 2009] An opportunity to learn more about energy balance on the moon and what it says about using the EB model for CO2 increase on earth. Led by Dr. Richard Collins (Uma away) |
9 Apr. 2010 class#11 |
Paper discussion: 2) Di Lorenzo E., Schneider N., Cobb K. M., Chhak, K, Franks P. J. S., Miller A. J., McWilliams J. C., Bograd S. J., Arango H., Curchister E., Powell T. M. and P. Rivere, 2008: North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate and ecosystem change. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L08607, doi:10.1029/2007GL032838. [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008] Led by U. Bhatt |
16 Apr. 2010 |
Paper Discussion on the topic of Gravity Waves: Lynch, A. H. (1997), Topographically generated gravity waves in the Brooks Range, Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24(23), 2981–2984. [Lynch et al., 1997] Led by Jeanie Talbot |
23 Apr. 2010 |
NO CLASS Friday Fling |
30 Apr. 2010 class#13 |
Paper Discussion: Passive microwave signatures of autumnal sea ice types from ship-based observation by Byong Jun Hwang, Jens K. Ehn, Ryan Galley, and David G. Barber (IEEE journal). [pdf here] Led by Alice Orlich |
7 May 2010 class#14 |
Final paper for the semester: Pickart, R. S., G. W. K. Moore, D. J. Torres, P. S. Fratantoni, R. A. Goldsmith, and J. Yang (2009), Upwelling on the continental slope of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Storms, ice, and oceanographic response, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C00A13, doi:10.1029/2008JC005009. [Pickart et al. 2009]
Led by Whole class |
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