ATM 620 Climate Journal Club (1 CR)
Spring 2009
Focus: Speaking Effectively About Your Science


Instructor : Uma Bhatt (x 2662,

Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday in IARC 319 CRN 45143

Class Syllabus available in pdf, here.

Meeting Overview: This class evolved from an informal meeting for researchers and graduate students to discuss their latest raw results. This semester the class will focus on current topics of general interest in Atmospheric Science and will focus on building our (students and faculty) presentation skills.

Student presentations are welcome (even if you are not registered for the class) and everyone is welcome to come, ask questions and throw tomatoes.


Course Outline: Meeting Dates with Topics



23 Jan. 2009


  • Dr. U. Bhatt will give a talk titled "Elements of Effective Oral Presentations"Resources:
    link to talk pdf here
    J. Callen's handout pdf here <>
    Oceanography Society document available here (link towards bottom of page)

30 Jan. 2009



  • Dr. X. Zhang will present an overview of his December 2008 GRL paper titled: "Recent radical shifts of atmospheric circulations and rapid changes in Arctic climate system". Dr. Zhang is an Associate Research Professor in IARC at UAF.

6 Feb. 2009



  • Dr. D. Newman will give a talk titled: "How to answer questions graciously and with poise no matter how obnoxious the questioner". Dr. Newman is a Professor of Physics at UAF.

13Feb. 2009


  • Everyone will participate when we bring in one or two hot new plots to share with the group. This will give you a chance to highlight a new result and brainstorm with the group on better understanding your results. Students will start off showing their results first, followed by others as time permits.

20 Feb. 2009


  • Ms. Stacy Porter will present a talk titled: " Investigation of the impact of ship emissions on air quality and deposition into southwest Alaska".

27 Feb. 2009


  • Archaeologist Dr. Thomas McGovern of Hunter College, NY. The talk will be at 3:30 in 304 Eielson titled 'Human Ecodynamics in the North Atlantic- recent IPY results'. Meet in IARC lobby at 3PM to take the bus over en-masse.


6 Mar. 2009


  • Mr. Debasish PaiMazumdar will present a talk titled: "Impact of High Latitude Vegetation Albedo Anomalies on Climate and Permafrost".

10 Mar. 2009



  • NO CLASS on Friday because it is Spring Break! But we have our extra free bonus Spring Break Week Tuesday Seminar by Mr. Jay Cross presenting a talk titled: "Informal Learning: Learning Out of Class"
    Jay Cross is the proprietor, chief scientist, and janitor for Internet Time Group. He is a champion of informal learning, web 2.0, and systems thinking. He has challenged conventional wisdom about how adults learn since designing the first business degree program offered by the University of Phoenix. He helped spark the eLearning revolution and served as CEO of eLearning Forum for its first five years.
  • Tues March 10th in IARC Rm 417 from noon to 1PM. Bring your lunch.

20 Mar. 2009


  • Ms. Agatha Light will present a talk on her thesis research titled: "Development of N2+ Resonance Lidar".

27 Mar. 2009


  • Mr. Peter Bieniek will present a talk titled: "Interior Alaska Rivers and their Connection to Climate".

3 Apr. 2009


  • Dr. Pia Kohler will present a talk titled "Science for policy: communicating with policymakers". Dr. Kohler is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at UAF.
    Link to PDF version of Dr. Kohler's talk, here. Also, an interesting paper relevant to the discussions from today from New Scientist editorial called "Time to end the climate of confusion: We need ways to bridge the gap between climate scientists and politicians" from the March 21 issue 2700.

10 Apr. 2009


  • Read and discuss 2009 GRL paper by Warnke et al. 'Biomass burning in Siberia and Kazakhstan as an important source for haze over the Alaskan Arctic in April 2008'

17Apr. 2009

  • Mr. Mike Richmond of the NWS will present a talk titled: "Australian fires, Feb. 2009, what can be learned?".

24 Apr. 2009


  • NO CLASS Friday Fling

1 May. 2009


  • Mr. Peter Bieniek will present a talk titled: "Overview and Highlights of Global Climate Models".


This page was last updated 29-Apr-2009 .