25 Jan.
class#1 |
- Syllabus and Class Expectations
- 'What is the future of Climate
Science?' with a focus on Climate Services. Discuss PNAS paper "An
approach to designing a national climate service"
by Miles et al., pdf available here.
1 Feb. 2008
class#2 |
- M. Mesquita will present
a talk titled: "Bayesian Probability
- an Approach to Understanding Extreme Wind Events"
- Informal abstract: The objective
of my talk is to present the Bayesian Approach as an alternative tool
in climate research. We (as scientists) are still clung to the frequentist
approach where a number of trials are necessary. When we analyze extreme
wind data we need all the data we can find in order to better predict
a future extreme wind event. The frequentist approach may not be the
'best' one for extreme analysis. How can we predict extreme winds for
the next 100 years, if we do not have enough data? The Bayesian Approach
allows us to do just that. And we are going to see how during the talk!
8 Feb. 2008
class#3 |
- M. Brown, AMS 2008 New Orleans trip report (~20 minutes)
- Read and discuss paper Steele et al., 2008 'Arctic Ocean surface warming
trends over the past 100 years' Geophy.Res.Letters.
15 Feb. 2008
class#4 |
- Read and discuss Deser, C., and H. Teng (2008), Evolution of Arctic sea ice concentration trends and the role of atmospheric circulation forcing, 1979–2007, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02504, doi:10.1029/2007GL032023, 22 January 2008.
22 Feb. 2008
class#5 |
We are going to eat brownies and discuss the following paper: Parker, D., C. Folland, A. Scaife, J. Knight, A. Colman, P. Baines, and B. Dong (2007), Decadal to multidecadal variability and the climate change background, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D18115, doi:10.1029/2007JD008411. (
29 Feb. 2008
class#6 |
We are going to eat something sugary and discuss the following paper to continue on the topic of the MOC and how it may be impacted in a changing climate: Vellinga, M., and P. Wu, 2008: Relations between Northward Ocean and Atmosphere Energy Transports in a Coupled Climate Model. J. Climate, 21, 561-575. (
7 Mar. 2008
class#7 |
- Everyone will bring their 'plot of the day' or 'week' to discuss, defend and show off. Please share your research results with the group.
14 Mar. 2008
21 Mar. 2008
class#8 |
Informational meeting about upcoming NASA/NOAA field campaigns of ARCTAS and ARCPAC. The major goal is to understand the role of Arctic haze in climate better. There will be some soot and halogen chemistry measurements. So come hear about this campaign and find out more!
The discussion will be lead by Bill Simpson.
Meet Room 401 IARC. 3:30-4:30PM!
28 Mar. 2008
class#9 |
- Becky Baird will lead a discussion of the paper 'Satellite-observed photosynthetic trends across boreal North America associated with climate and fire disturbance' by S. J. Goetz* et al. PNAS, 2005. available here.
4 Apr. 2008
class#10 |
11 Apr. 2008
class#11 |
- Loose discussion on the topic of 'Strategies for Professional Development as a Scientist'. An email has been sent out with the discussion points to think about.
18 Apr. 2008 |
25 Apr. 2008
class#12 |
- Read and discuss Daisyworld paper,
Wood, A. J., G. J. Ackland, J. G. Dyke, H. T. P. Williams, and T. M. Lenton (2008), Daisyworld: A review, Rev. Geophys.,46, RG1001, doi:10.1029/2006RG000217.
2 May. 2008
class#13 |