Climate Journal Club Fall 2009

Note: This seminar is not offered for credit during fall but will be offered for credit Spring 2010. So if nothing is scheduled for this week and you make a brilliant finding send me and email and we will gather the gang.

Focus : Get together to discuss science over whole grain snacks

Regular Organizer : Uma Bhatt (x 2662,

Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday in IARC 319

Meeting Overview:

  The "Climate Journal Club " has evolved from an informal meeting for researchers, Ph.D and Masters students that was held at IARC to discuss your latest research results.

This fall, we will continue discussions on the usual topics. Student presentations are particularly welcome.


Course Outline: Meeting Dates with Topics



23 Oct. 2009 

  • Rebecca Legatt (ATM MS student) will present a talk on her summer fieldwork experience titled:
    'NABOS Cruise 2009: project highlights and a student's perspective'.

30 Oct. 2009

  • Peter Bieniek (ATM PhD student) will present a talk on his research titled: 'Interior Alaska rivers and their connection to climate'

6 Nov. 2009

  • No CJC today

13 Nov. 2009


  • Agatha Light will present a talk titled 'Studies of Resonance Fluorescence Lidar for Measurements of N2+ in the Auroral Atmosphere'

20 Nov. 2009


  • Canceled due to weather! Julie had to launch sondes!

27 Nov. 2009 

Thanksgiving Break

4 Dec. 2009

  • Julie Malingowski will give a talk titled: 'Clear, Calm, and Cold: Reaching a Minimum Temperature in the Surface Temperature Inversion'

11 Dec. 2009 


  • No CJC Today



This page was last updated 12-Jan-2010 .