Climate Journal Club Fall 2007

Note: This seminar is not offered for credit during fall but will be offered for credit Spring 2008. So if nothing is scheduled for this week and you make a brilliant finding send me and email and we will gather the gang.

Focus : How to improve your science -  learn something new!

Regular Organizer : Uma Bhatt (x 2662,

Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday in IARC 319 CRN 77745

Meeting Overview:

  The "Climate Journal Club " has evolved from an informal meeting for researchers, Ph.D and Masters students that was held at IARC.

This fall, we will continue discussions on the usual topics as well as have a few sessions on proposal writing. Student presentations are always welcome.


Course Outline: Meeting Dates with Topics



7 Sept. 2007


  • Anne Sudkamp who is the Executive Officer of Alaska EPSCoR at UAF will provides hints on how to improve our writing, particularly when writing proposals. Please email me so I can send you the one page project summary that she will critique.
  • CLASS PREP: Read abstract ahead of time and come with your critiques.

14 Sept. 2007


  • Igor Polyakov "Synthesis of long-term changes in the Arctic North Atlantic Climate System"

21 Sept. 2007


  • Vladimir Alexeev & Peter Langan "Atmospheric heat transport feedbacks affecting polar amplification of past and present climate change". Proposal will be emailed to attendees.
  • CLASS PREP: Read proposal document before this class so you can participate in a mock panel to critique the proposal.

28 Sept. 2007


  • Stefanie Bourne "Surface-based temperature inversions in Fairbanks, Alaska in radiosonde observations and downscaled climate model data: A poster presented at the High Northern Latitude Climate Summer School in St. Petersburg, Russia."

5 Oct. 2007 


  • no meeting

12 Oct. 2007 


  • no meeting

19 Oct. 2007 


  • Physics Journal Club, Globe Room 3:45-4:45PM
    "Verification and Validation: It's not just for modelers (experimentalists/observationalists are needed too)" by David Newman, Physics Dept/GI UAF

26 Oct. 2007


  • no meeting

2 Nov. 2007


  • no meeting

9 Nov. 2007 


  • no meeting

16 Nov. 2007 


  • I. Polyakov "The promotion process: what I have learned through experience"

23 Nov. 2007 

Thanksgiving Break

30 Nov. 2007


  • Margaret Short: " Modeling wind fields using process convolutions"

    We propose an approach to modeling wind field data using process convolutions. Our approach has several advantages over a standard Gaussian process approach for such data. In particular, it has the ability to handle both the periodicity of the wind direction and the non-negativity of the wind speed. Ours is a Bayesian model; we implement it via Markov chain Monte Carlo. We illustrate the approach with an application.

    Key words: wind field, process convolutions, Markov chain Monte Carlo

7 Dec. 2007 


  • Martin King "Modeling Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Trends in the late 20th Century." (Tentative date)

14 Dec. 2007 




This page was last updated 28-Nov-2007 .