Climate Journal Club Fall 2006

Note: This seminar is not offered for credit this fall but will be offered for credit Spring 2007.

Focus : Methods in Climate Research

Regular Organizer : Uma Bhatt (x 2662,

Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Friday in IARC 319 CRN 77745

Meeting Overview:

  The "Climate Journal Club " has evolved from an informal meeting for researchers, Ph.D and Masters students that was held at IARC.

This fall will revolve around the theme of 'Methods in Climate Research'. Climate Scientists will present lectures on their research in a tutorial form so that participants can have a place start if they need these methods in their research. Student presentations are welcome. If you make some brilliant finding this week then you can contact me and we can get the group together to discuss your results!

We are working out the schedule with scientists according to our topic progression and their availibility but the following topics will be presented during the semester:

Course Outline: Meeting Dates with Topics



1 Sept. 2006


8 Sept. 2006


15 Sept. 2006


22 Sept. 2006


29 Sept. 2006 


6 Oct. 2006 


13 Oct. 2006 


  • V. Alexeev, " Everything you always wanted to know about EOFs but were afraid to ask"

20 Oct. 2006 


  • M. Shulski, "Assessment of Observational Data in Alaska"

27 Oct. 2006


  • X. Fan, "Basics of Atmospheric Data Assimilation and an Application"

3 Nov. 2006 


  • D. Atkinson, "Issues associated with nonstandard data: Mt. McKinley Station"

10 Nov. 2006 


  • M. King,"Introducing a fast AGCM---F. Molteni's SPEEDY"
    1. a salient description of code structure, parametrizations, standard outputs, etc.
    2. model performance, climatogy, variabilities, and errors.
    3. a brief mention of published and current research using SPEEDY. potential usefulness in a climate modeling class.
    4. how to start using SPEEDY.

  • Visit Martin's web page to download his talk and a reference list, here.

17 Nov. 2006 


  • M. dos Santos Mesquita, 'Tracking Extra-Tropical Storms Using a Feature Tracking Algorithm and Relative Vorticity: Summer/Winter Climatologies in the Northern Hemisphere and Trends in the Barents Sea/Alaska Region'

1 Dec. 2006 


  • P. Cobb " MODIS views over Alaska"

8 Dec. 2006


  • Igor Polyakov   'Synthesis of long term change in the Arctic - North Atlantic Climate System' .



This page was last updated 08-Dec-2006 .