to Climate & Weather Data
click here: for the National Weather Service web site for the Alaska Region. The satellite and radar data are good and there are some maps of interest. There is a good link to the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska. ( ). The BLM site includes some lightning data during summer.
click here: for the Chris Swingley's web site for daily/hourly data for Fairbanks and other parts of Alaska. Chris is always happy to get email feedback on how he has displayed the data, so feel free to bug him.
click here: for The Western Region Climate Center contains much data. The data from remote automatic weather stations (RAWS)is available here. Once on the wrcc site, click on wrcc Projects, then on RAWS data. You can get monthly summaries which tabulate the data. On days for which data is missing, just click on the calendar day of interest and get an hour by hour listing.
click here: for a site that is organized by the NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service - which used to be the SCS, Soil Conservation Service.) This site has data on snow pack for locations that no other site covers.
here: for
the University of Wyoming site has the best collection of upper
air (weather balloon) data that we in the NWS have seen. Their site
includes data up to 10 mb. If you want to see what it's like close
to 30 km, this is absolutely the site to do it.