ATM 445/645 Atmospheric Dynamics I (3 Credits),
Fall 2010
Working Calendar
Class Project Papers: The goal of the project is to apply principles learned in class to teach the class about the contents of these papers. You may need to trim topics covered for the longer papers. The talks will be 15 minutes with questions, so probably about 13+2.
- Soumik Basu: B. Hoskins and Valdes, 1990: On the Existence of Strom Tracks, JAS. download here.
- Kelcy Brunner: Holton, J.,P.H. Haynes, M.E.Mcintyre, A.R. Douglas, R.B. Rood, L. Pfister, 1995: STRATOSPHERE-TROPOSPHERE EXCHANGE, Reviews of Geophysics. download here
- Oliver Damman: Vilhelm Bjerknes, 1921: On the Dynamics of the Circular Vortex With Applications to the Atmosphere and Atmospheric Vortex and Wave Motions, from Geophysiske Publikasjoner Volume 2. download here
- Brita Irving: Sassi, F., R. R. Garcia, B. A. Boville, and H. Liu, 2002: On temperature inversions and the mesospheric surf zone, J. Geophys.Res., 107(D19),4380, doi:10.1029/2001JD001525. download here
- Vinay Kayetha: S. Solomon, R.W. Portmann, and D. W. J. Thompson, 2007: Contrasts between Antarctic and Arctic ozone depletion, PNAS. , download here
- John Mayfield: BAINES, P.G. 1998: Downslope flows into a stratified environment - structure and detrainment. In Mixing and Dispersion in Stably Stratified Flows. Proc. 5th IMA Conference on Stratified Flows, Dundee. P.A. Davies, editor, 1-21, Clarendon Press, Oxford., download here
- Paula Moreira: Bracegirdle, Thomas J.; Gray, Suzanne L., 2009: The Dynamics of a Polar Low Assessed Using Potential Vorticity Inversion, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 135: 880–893. download here
- Jeanie Talbot: Qiu, Bo, 2003: Kuroshio Extension Variability and Forcing of the Pacific Decadal Oscillations: Responses and Potential Feedback. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 2465?2482. download here
- Huy Tran: W. Gray, 1998: The Formation of Tropical Cyclones, Meteorology, and Atmospheric Physics. download here
- Trang Tran: M. NOVITSKY, D. D. REIBLE, and B. M. CORRIPIO, 1992: "Modeling the dynamics of the land-sea breeze circulation for air quality modeling, Boundary Layer Meteorology. download here