Uma Bhatt, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Research - Multi-Decadal Climate Variability
Observational Studies
- Arctic and North Atlantic Multi-decadal Variability
Polyakov, I.V., U.S. Bhatt, J.E. Walsh, E.P. Abrahamsen, A.V. Pnyushkov, and P.F. Wassmann, 2013: Recent oceanic changes in the Arctic in the context of longer term observations, Ecological Applications 23:1745–1764., pdf.
Legatt, R., I.V. Polyakov, U.S. Bhatt, X. Zhang, 2012: North Atlantic Variability Driven by Atmospheric and Oceanic Stochastic Forcing in a Simple Box Model, Tellus A, 64, 18695,, pdf.
Polyakov, I.V., V. A. Alexeev, U.S. Bhatt, E.V. Polyakova, and X. Zhang, 2010: North Atlantic warming: Patterns of long-term trend and multidecadal variability, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-008-0522-3. pdf .
Polyakov, I.V., V. A. Alexeev, U.S. Bhatt, E.V. Polyakova, and X. Zhang, 2009: North Atlantic warming: Patterns of long-term trend and multidecadal variability, published online, Climate Dynamics. pdf .
Polyakova E.I. , A.G. Journel, I.V. Polyakov, and U.S. Bhatt, 2006: Changing relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and key North Atlantic climate parameters, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L03711, doi:10.1029/2005GL024573. pdf version.
Polyakov I. V., U.S. Bhatt, H.L. Simmons, D. Walsh, J.E. Walsh, X. Zhang, 2005: Multidecadal Variability of North Atlantic Temperature and Salinity during the Twentieth Century, J. Climate, (18)21, 4562-4581. pdf version.
Polyakov I.V. , G.V. Alekseev, L. Timokhov, U.S. Bhatt, R.L. Colony, H.L. Simmons, D. Walsh, J. Walsh, 2004: Variability of the intermediate Atlantic Water of the Arctic Ocean over the last 100 years, J. Climate,17(23), 4485-4497. pdf version.
Polyakov I.V. , R. Bekryaev, G. Alekseev, U.S. Bhatt, R. Colony, M. Johnson, and A. Makshtas, 2003: Variability and trends of air temperature and pressure in the maritime Arctic, 1875-2000, J. Climate, 16, 2067-2077. pdf version. Link to data, click here.
Polyakov I.V., G. Alekseev, R. Bekryaev, U.S. Bhatt, R. Colony, M. Johnson, V. Karklin, D. Walsh, and A. Yulin, 2003: Long-term variability of ice in the arctic marginal seas, J. Climate 16, 2078-2085. pdf version. Link to ice data, click here
Polyakov I.V., S. Akasofu, U.S. Bhatt, R. Colony, M. Ikeda, A. Makshtas, C. Swingley, D. Walsh, and J. Walsh, 2002: Long-term trends and variations of the arctic climate system, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union83 (47) : 547-548.
Polyakov I.V., G. Alekseev, R. Bekryaev, U.S. Bhatt, R. Colony, M. Johnson, V. Karklin, A. Makshtas, D. Walsh, and A. Yulin, 2002: Observationally-based assessment of polar amplification of global warming, Geophysical Research Letters, 1878, doi:10.1029/2001GL011111. pdf version.
Modeling Studies
- Atlantic water of the Arctic Ocean in CCSM
K. Sterling, 2006: Multi-Decadal Variability of Atlantic Water Heat Transports as Seen in the Community Climate Systems Model Version 3.0. UAF Dept. Atmos Sci MS Thesis, pdf.