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The following Alaskan Returned Peace Corps Volunteers served in Kenya:

bulletUma Bhatt
bulletDerek Chambers
bulletBrian Connors
bulletLynn Marino
bulletDavid Newman
bulletArlene Rosenkrans
bulletDanny Rosenkrans
bulletLuke Schulte

Information on Kenya

Peace Corps' Kenya Page contains basic facts about Kenya

CIA - The World Fact Book - Kenya contains much more detailed information (geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational)

Friends of Kenya (RPCV group) has a nice links page with links to Kenyan newspapers, weather, and Swahili resources.

Map of Kenya at 

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002-3 Northern Alaska Peace Corps Friends
Last modified: Sunday February 22, 2004