During Spring 2004

Grilling at -20F
as snow is falling.

Alaska Range view
from Fairbanks (April 2004)

Graduation, Renate,
Dan, Uma & David, May 9, 2004.

Renate, Uma, Keiko,
& Keiko's mom at UAF graduation May 2004.

Renate tries to eat
ice cream while the beggars make her feel guilty. May 2004.

Bohemian Waxwings
in our Spruce Tree, May 2004.

Kodiak, Katmai, &
Oook, April 2004.
Break-up (April 2004)
is when the snow melts in the spring and it usually only takes a few days and
it is a mushy mess.

During break-up it
is hard to drive in our driveway, especially after a winter when we have let
the snow accumulate (April 2004).

Uma picking up a
winter's worth of poops, fun! (April 2004).
Once the snow begins
to melt, it happens pretty fast. (Later April 2004). This is looking west and
by April there is lots of light in the evening.

Oook has grown to
be a fairly big boy. He is full of energy and good at jumping (April 2004).
was last changed on
Wed 28 July, 2004 21:20