Assumptions to simplify the problem

-A basic state of static stability,namely that lighter fluid lies on the top of heavier fluid, in order to   
 avoid Rayleigh-Taylor instability.

-Vertical scale large enough, namely there woule be no upper or lower boundaries.

-Horizontal scale must be small enough so that we can ignore rotation, namely L<<Rd, in Rd is Rossby Number.

-Horizontal scale can not be too small to ignore surface tension, namely L>d,d is the certain value for a particular system. For example, for air-sea system, d is about 7 nm.(For more details, see Kundu Sec 7.7)

-KHI and can be fully described and analyzed using equations in two dimensions.(Squire’s theorem)

A simple illustrate of K-H instability
A simple illustrate of K-H instability